another nice article in the journal paper ‚LEBENSMITTEL TECHNOLOGIE‘ about the CHOCOFORMER
download or read it in the links bellow
(only in german)
Link: http://epaper.lebensmittel-technologie.ch/reader/?/ED74F270D/ [09.12.2020]
another nice article in the journal paper ‚LEBENSMITTEL TECHNOLOGIE‘ about the CHOCOFORMER
download or read it in the links bellow
(only in german)
Link: http://epaper.lebensmittel-technologie.ch/reader/?/ED74F270D/ [09.12.2020]
chocolate-news in the ‚Sonntags Blick‘ with the CHOCOFORMER
read it bellow
(only in german)
Link: https://www.blick.ch/schweiz/zuerich/3d-figuren-aus-schokolade-schoggi-frisch-aus-dem-drucker-id16228686.html [07.12.2020]
the chocolate of the future in the journal paper ‚Hotellerie Gastronomie Zeitung‘, also with the CHOCOFORMER
read it bellow
(only in german)
if you like to print 24h with the CHOCOFORMER, you need a feeding system for the buildplates
in the picture you can see some possible concepts to feed the buildplates in the CHOCOFORMER
nice article in the journal paper ‚Additive Fertigung x-technik‘ about chocolate 3D printing and the CHOCOFORMER
download or read it in the links bellow
(only in german)
http://emag.unipush.de/em/5dd342-0f6c1e/#page/47 [06.11.2020]